

I grew up in Kansas City as the baby of five kids, or as my dad fondly refers to me, “The runt of the litter.”  Growing up, I spent three months every summer falling in love with the mountains in Snowmass, Colorado. Therefore, it was no surprise to my family when I decided to move to Crested Butte, in 1993, to finish my undergraduate education in English and Elementary Education at Western.

After graduation, I moved to Kansas City to teach Kindergarten for two years before my husband, James, and I moved to England in 2000.  I studied at Cambridge University, where I received my K-12 teaching certification. I taught sixth through twelfth grade Citizenship, English, and British History in a British school for seven years.

Since we moved back to Crested Butte in 2009, I have worked at CBCS as a special education teacher, a first grade teacher, and as fourth grade.  This year will be my 22nd year teaching!  This year’s First Grade Family was one for history books…they were an absolute gift!

I earned my Master’s Degree in Elementary Education from the American College of Education. I love being a teacher and a student. I continue to take classes so I can consistently implement new technologies and up-to-date strategies in our classroom. It is important to me to model for my students (and my own children) my desire for, and dedication to, lifelong learning.

My son, Charles, is a freshman at CSU and my daughter, Lilah, is a junior studying abroad in Vitoria, Brazil this year! I love watching them grow and learn at their own level and pace. I truly believe that all children learn in their own unique style and at a pace that is correct for them.  I will do everything I can to ensure your child is challenged at an appropriate level, while still loving the learning process.

I have long believed that one-on-one and small group instruction is best practice.  Elevated Learning Tutoring Center was created to support and ELEVATE the children and young adults in our community.  I have so much gratitude that the team at Elevated Learning is making this dream come to fruition. 

Thank you for sharing your children with me.